Lets sell some guns. Shall we?

Oh yes! We can get away with illegal arms dealings, all in the name of war of course! Ouch.. I was mistaken, daaanoooonaaaah !

All what we heard was the word WAR… Talk of oral diarrhea! We have an oral diarrhea epidemic in Srilanka…early morning until late night even if we don’t put on our radio or television for fear of listening to wannabe parliamentarians…and politicians, we can’t escape the neighbors radio which is turned on to the highest decibel…while these all knowing creatures talk their skins off! I don’t want to say…heads because I am not sure if anyone has one anymore. At least this troubled soul doesn’t have.. I know that for sure.

The squabble that’s going on about elections…just shows how many people want to be living by the river that is Diyawanna. For what though?

Its naïve to believe that election promises are cast in iron…election promises or most of them are made to win votes… JVP, UNP and all the P’s should know this!

It is insane or maybe …it’s the new strain of swine flu that attacks people’s brains, to the extent they can’t figure this out? So many people are infected…help!

I am all blue from top to toes, and I voted Mahinda, a decision that I don’t and will never regret. And I also believe people voted for what they believed in…irrespective of what that pathetic unsuccessful candidate and some of his assclown propagandists may think and say now.

I know of at least 10 people who told me they voted for SF because he is…ooh so good-looking and physique. Is he, aney? Oooh la la laaa.. Never saw his million-dollar “Bundy”?

I know of people who decided not to vote for Mahinda because he was not as physique. I know of people who laughed at him and people who mocked at him. I also know of people who mock him even now.

It looks like you and I still need more lessons in the way UNP politicians think, act and shout. But I know what all UNP politicians can do, why don’t they write fiction? Then perhaps we can hit upon a best seller, no?

We have more important things to attend to. For instance all the illegal foreigners have to be sent; because Srilanka has become too intolerable. All the so-called humanitarian NGO bastards should be sent back home. Who needs their so-called humanitarian assistance when in reality all what they do is create chaos for us?

The locals can't go anywhere because everything has been taken over…we have become a good accommodating place for European jokers who call themselves Journalists and NGO workers. These morons are refugees in our paradise…what else can you call… foreigners who are jobless and hanging about doing nothing here? I still don’t understand what really brings them here? Is it the tan skinned exotic women? You like f**king dark? Please go screw a crow…

Heroism is hard …what is it anyway? Does it just mean doing illegal arms business while leading the war? Yes, Assclown Ponseka has failed miserably. -Zero marks to him.

Danuna Tilekaratne is a student who could afford a Hummer in the US? Oh.. Please.. Give me a break will ya, Danuna, the arms dealer son in law of assclown Ponseka. Shame on you.

Mahinda Rajapakshe has got the mandate for another 7 years, and I believe for all the right reasons. But he also needs a parliament that is conducive for him. So lets give him that for he deserves that.

Even now late as it is I hope the responsible people will get up and say enough is enough and try to do something for this country instead of trying for a place in the political arena for a debate which leads to nowhere.

All what I want to say is, VOTE UPFA. Help strengthen Mahinda's Parliament and support Mahinda.. I am going to vote UPFA, how about you, self righteous cyber peeps of Colombo?


Anonymous said...

After reading this as kissing post, I'm definitely voting for the UNP or the JVP!!