I think Sittingnuts is cool, except for his odd taste in women. Why would he even want to consider sending flowers to Subha is beyond me. Such bad taste, SN? Oh this human chemistry I tell ya.
Granted SN needs help in this department. I mean Subha? Ha ha Subha???? That Subha? Gawd…very odd taste, indeed! I certainly would’ve expected a decent choice here. But flowers for Subha? You mean for that 3rd generation NGO parasite? Wow man.. Such classic taste!
Anyways, SN should be treated with respect, something this Lefroy shit has been unable to do. Bullying can be fun. But revealing naked pics is simply not on. For the record, I’ve said many things about Indi Samarajiva, and will continue to say so.. But I wouldn’t go to the extent of posting nude pics of Indi. It’s just stupid let alone inhuman. Sanity should prevail even whilst attacking an opponent. Its OK you can call him names, prove that he’s not a Libertarian and so on, but revealing fake pics?
Its not like others don’t know how Lefroy is attacking SN with the blessings of Indi Samarajiva, but no one talks. Why? Where are those morale preachers in the blogosphere? Where are they hiding now? Why is everyone silent?
I don’t think Indi will ban you from Kottu if you talk against him. Learn from my example. Truth is this sick man Indi loves cheap publicity at all costs… so more the merrier for him. He apparently loves all the negative things said about him.
I’d like to see Lefroy banned from Kottu, but Indi won’t do that. How would he ban his own attack blog? LOL!
Posting nude pictures and claiming they were Sittingnuts’s is not only hilarious but also a sign of frustration and one’s own bankruptcy.
Lefroy, sorry, Indi, please be creative will ya?
for the record, i have never called on anyone to ban anyone else.
ha ha sittingnuts sent flowers for subha? so what indi said was true then, eh?
BTW who are you? You seem to know everyone pretty well. Morquendi? Ashanthi with a penis grown?
my stance on these ppl can be
found in full here
I knew it. I knew it that the nut was gay when he went around asking everybody whether he's a closet gay or not. What I didn't know was that Taprobane is so jealous of Electra. Buwah hah hah. Get a room guys... As an aside, ShitNut is yet to swear by his mother's soul that what he says about me is true although I've been repeatedly asking him to do so. NUTTER THE LIAR...
Shitty Suranga and Slutty Subha should make a great couple :)
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